Web development

Dipcode develops web solutions for a variety of purposes, including onboarding platforms for new clients, intranets, process and workflow management, document management, and more specialised applications such as electronic voting.

By digitising business processes, the web solutions crafted by Dipcode enhance efficiency and productivity, solve problems, and provide data that supports decision-making.

Implementing a bespoke web solution reduces the time it takes for a team to adapt to the new system and allows the company to exclusively invest in features that add value.

Why is Dipcode the right choice?

Are you looking for reliable technology?

Dipcode employs Django in Python for web solution development, though it also has expertise with Flask, Django CMS and Wagtail. Django is a web framework for ‘perfectionists with deadlines’—its commitment to best practices provides the robust security needed to develop high-stakes solutions.

Do you need an experienced team?

Dipcode has been developing web solutions since 2004, having rolled out over 100 projects. With its easily scalable architecture and clearly defined security policies, Dipcode’s solutions have enhanced performance at organisations such as Unicre/Unibanco, Bankinter CF, Trueclinic, and Impresa.

Cybersecurity is a priority!

Dipcode maintains a suite of internal policies aligned with ISO9001, ISO27001, GDPR, and PCI SSC to ensure product quality and the privacy of information within its systems.

Integrations are necessary!

The Dipcode team excels in creating complex API solutions and integrating with other software web services. Notable among the many integrations they’ve completed are Autenticação.GOV from AMA, mTrust from Multicert, Interactive Brokers, IfThenPay, Paypal, Reduniq, Stripe, Amazon S3 and Dynamics 365.

Are you looking for a turnkey solution?

In partnership with Eurotux (IT services provider), the Dipcode team boasts skills in web development, web design, testing, project management, systems administration, DevOps, database administration, and cybersecurity. This enables them to provide a complete, ready-to-use solution.

Need a stable partnership?

Dipcode positions itself as a strategic partner to its clients throughout the product lifecycle. Thus, when the initial implementation project concludes, a new phase begins: the solution evolves alongside the business itself.

Tailored software development!


With a turnkey solution, fully customised to your business needs, Dipcode develops your software. Learn about our process, which is divided into five stages:


Why is the new solution being created?

The first step is to understand the problem that the new solution will address and to identify the users. During the project’s initial phase, expectations are aligned.


Can I test it now?

After the solution, or part of it, has been developed, the client gains access to the testing environment. Where applicable, this is the stage at which new content is added.


How will the new solution work?

During the specification phase, the new solution is designed: the screens, flows, and behaviours. Graphic mock-ups aid in this process.


Are we ready to launch?

Once everything is fine-tuned, the client approves the solution’s launch. From this point onwards, you can rely on Dipcode to maintain and enhance the solution.


Is the development progressing well?

Throughout the solution implementation process, previously scheduled meetings take place, along with several demonstration sessions.