Dipcode apresentou as melhores práticas em gestão de clientes no encontro WordPress do Porto

Dipcode apresentou as melhores práticas em gestão de clientes no encontro WordPress do Porto

On January 31st,&nbsp;Porto&#8217;s WordPress Meetup&nbsp;celebrated its 5th year of monthly sessions. In this special meetup, the organization challenged Dipcode to share our experiences in developing trust-based relationships with customers. Daniela Costa, COO at Dipcode, working in web development since 2005, shared several problems troubling&nbsp;software development projects, generally due to the non-alignment of expectations between suppliers &hellip; <a href="https://dipcode.com/pt-pt/2022/05/09/dipcode-apresentou-as-melhores-praticas-em-gestao-de-clientes-no-encontro-wordpress-do-porto/">Mais</a>

On January 31st, Porto's WordPress Meetup celebrated its 5th year of monthly sessions. In this special meetup, the organization challenged Dipcode to share our experiences in developing trust-based relationships with customers.

Daniela Costa, COO at Dipcode, working in web development since 2005, shared several problems troubling software development projects, generally due to the non-alignment of expectations between suppliers and customers. The presentation focused on preventive strategies, assuring that both customers and suppliers see their interests safeguarded.

During the presentation, Daniela Costa had the chance to explain the impact of the organization’s culture on projects, as well as the importance of managing the stakeholders. The client’s knowledge is fundamental for establishing a trust-based relationship. Ultimately, the goal is to exceed the expectations of both the customer and supplier.

Dipcode continues its involvement with the WordPress community, where in addition to its contribution in this Meetup in Porto, it supports the organization of the Meetup Braga, and its team gives frequent talks in Meetups and in the national WordCamp.